The Roast bestellen

The Roast

Augasse 21, Vienna 1090, Austria, KG Alsergrund

🛍 Kaffee, Huhn, Tee, Suppe, Salat

4.6 💬455 Bewertungen

Essen bestellen

Auf Augasse 21, Vienna 1090, Austria, KG Alsergrund bietet The Roast ein unvergleichliches Essenserlebnis. Unsere 4.6 und 452 Bewertungen sind ein Beweis für die köstliche Reise, die dich in unserer Speisekarte erwartet.



Giovani O'Conner III
Giovani O'Conner III

Abbiamo pranzato presso questo grazioso locale frequentato da gente del posto. L'aspetto strano è che si tratta sia di una coffee house che di in ristorante Mai Thai. I piatti sono veramente come quelli che si possono mangiare a Bangkok. Per chi piace quindi, sono molto buoni. Possibile anche per i vegetariani mangiare senza troppi problemi.Difetti: menù solo in lingua tedesca (a parte i nomi dei piatti, in tailandese) e tra il mio piatto e quello di mia moglie sono passati dai 10 ai 15 minuti. Lo stesso è successo ai nostri vicini di tavolo. Va detto che la cameriera si è scusata entrambe le volte e, precedentemente, si era sforzata di capire cosa volessimo mangiare. Fatto quest'ultimo non comune. Prezzi onesti: in due abbiamo speso 21,20 euro (considerate che l'acqua costa come il chinino)

Menü zum bestellen 64 Möglichkeiten

Hast du Fragen? Ruf einfach an unter +4319421919 Bestelle jetzt dein Mittags- oder Abendessen bei The Roast einfach online! Egal ob für eine Firmenfeier oder deinen Geburtstag. Garantiert frisch zubereitet und geliefert vom Lieferservice von The Roast aus KG Alsergrund.


Shanie Kris
Shanie Kris

This restaurant is run by Thai people. Food is gorgeous with authentic Thai recipes. Service is quick and efficient. Price is reasonable and won't hesitate to recommend this lovely place. Give it a try if you love Thai food

Araceli Balistreri
Araceli Balistreri

The Roast is a Cafe Restaurant located the nine district in Vienna beside the Augasse street, ofer good Koffee, Berger and authentic Thai Food, the staff are nice, helpful and friendly, food was good. Easy to get there by public transport with tram number D stop at the Station Nussdorfer !! in fron of the Restaurant!!

Enid Schuppe
Enid Schuppe

Die Kombo Kaffeehaus und Thailänder hat mich zu Beginn etwas irritiert und überrascht - dachte ursprünglich nie und nimmer wird hier authentisch thailändisch gekocht - ich würde jedoch sehr positiv eines besseren belehrt!Essen sehr lecker und Preise gut!Viele Studenten um die Mittagszeit!

Calista Aufderhar
Calista Aufderhar

Following an invitation I had to give this place a try. Well, I was quite disappointed.We had to wait for the waitress for at least 10min before being served. The menu is irritating as this seems to be a coffee roastery but the menu was all "thai"-food. Food quality was typical austrian-"asian" standard - nothing authentic but edible . Prices are too hight for the quality served as every "asian" noodle-box will cater the same stuff for 30% of the price. The atmosphere is acceptable and if you are not as picky about "asian"-food as I am this place might be ok for you.

Nickolas Ortiz
Nickolas Ortiz

Guter Service, nette Bedienung...Kaffee gut zubereitet und perfekte Crema...Es ruecht feim nach geröstetem Kaffee... Geschmacklich auch sehr gut... Sind gespannt ob er zu Hause auch so schmeckt... 1kg kostet 24€...

Prof. Alaina Gislason
Prof. Alaina Gislason

Sehr gut ! Wir waren sehr zufrieden. Kommen sicher wieder ! Alles frisch zubereitet. Freundlicher Service .

Kaia Kuhn
Kaia Kuhn

Hubby and I stopped in the Twin Towers for a quick bite. We each had the flammkuchen which was ready in under 5 minutes. The wine I had was pretty OK.

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